
1. Price: 價格

A6 LT: USD$200 (~HKD$1600)
A6 HT Acrylic USD$300 (~HKD$2400)
A6 HT Stainless USD$350 (~HKD$2800)
Shipping fee is not included (以上不含運費)

2. Specification 規格

Outside Dimensions  打印機尺寸
290mm wide x 235mm deep x 235mm tall

Printing Output 列印品輸出大小:
150mm wide (Y-axis) x 110mm deep  (X-axis) x 90mm tall (Z-axis)

Positional Resolution: 位置性解像度:
0.04mm (full step resolution) in XYZ, output resolution depends on output speed and nozzle size. 列印品輸出的像質取決於輸出速度及噴嘴大小

Movement System: 步進系統:
Drive Screws 推動式螺旋 (8mm movement per rotation 一圈行8mm) and Stepper Motors 步進馬達

Nozzle 噴嘴:
Default 預設 0.4mm; Available 備有 0.3mm and 0.5mm

Drive Electronics 推動電路:
Printrboard Rev B with MakiBox Firmware

3. Assembly 組裝

The assembly process of makibox is very easy. Assembling the makibox sounds like playing Lego. The only thing different is you just have to know how to screw the nuts.
Because of the ease of assembly process, the time you spent on assembling the makibox is around 3 hours if you know a newbie in 3D printing. You could get your first print of Makibox from assembling in an afternoon of a weekend.
組裝容易;如果你懂得砌Lego,組裝Makibox一定難不了你。因為組裝Makibox 只需要上螺絲而已。
由於組裝容易,所以組裝Makibox 需時時間短 (如果你是立體打印新手,只需約3小時組裝。一個週末的下午便可以由開始組裝到打印第一件物件)

Sample of assembly instruction
Source: Makibox blog

4. Software: 軟件

5Dprint screen capture
Source: Makibox blog

Makibox is like other RepRap 3D printer. The slicing program and the program for controlling the stepping motors and extruder are different. Makibox uses its own developed software called “5D print" to control the stepping motors and the extruder.
"5D print" is a web app for you to control the electronics of Makibox through a simple User interface in a web browser. For the advanced user, you could control the Makibox with the common G-Code with the console in 5D print.
Makibox 正如其他RepRap 立體打印機一樣,但立體物件切薄片軟件和控制步進馬達及擠壓頭的軟件不同,Makibox 用它自己研發的軟件 ﹣ “5D print" 來控制 Makibox 的步進馬達及擠壓頭。
"5D print" 是一個網頁應用程式,你可以通過簡單的使用者介面來控制 Makibox 的步進馬達及擠壓頭﹐對於進階使用者,"5D print" 亦提供如熱床溫度/擠出頭溫度等資訊。

Pros 好處

Due to the good design of makibox, its maintenance is minimised. The only thing you have to bother is the calibration of the level of hotbed.
由於 Makibox 本身設計不錯,維護它的時間可以最少化,校正熱床是唯一你需要關注的事情。

Cons 不足之處

It’s still not a 3D printer for lazy customer. You still have to assembly.
Makibox 仍然不是一個俾懶人的立體打印機,你仍然要組裝它。
The customer still needs to care about the calibration of the level of hotbed.

Marks 評分

Easiness of assembly 組裝: 9/10
Easiness of use of software 軟件: 7/10
Easiness of calibration 校準容易度: 5/10
Quality of output 輸出品質素: 8/10

Price 價錢: 10/10 (it’s just USD$200 but u get a good quality 3D print output)
僅賣 200刀 約 1600 港幣啊親!

